Friday, February 9, 2018

Suppu the Seer

Its hard to live a life of uncertainty and unpredictability. I'm sure we all think how easy life would be if we could see the future, predict, make prophecies. Things like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and other pop culture additions don't really help.

What if I tell you, that there is actually such a being, such a person who can tell the future? This person is the most unassuming person, because she herself did not know that she could tell the future. She is Suppu the Seer. She can tell you what will happen 3 seconds from now, 3 minutes from now or 3 years from now. The Oracle from the Matrix has nothing on her. 

The only problem is that she cannot tell you what happens 4 seconds from now, or 5 or 6 or 7. She only works in threes. It can be a little annoying because a lot of data analytics are involved once she predicts something. Because sure, you know what happens 3 days from now, but what about 5 days? The next is 3 weeks, but say, you're running for president, things change in an instant! Look what happened in the US! 

Even though it's only in threes, her gift must be hidden. The faerie who had given birth to her, gave her to an unassuming human family to be brought up. She wanted to hide her, keep her safe. Some say that Suppu grew up in a protective household, well, now you know why. 

One day, she was discovered. An evil mastermind was after her. She always knew he was around because her mind kept saying "Evaal is near, Evaal is close" but she never understood what that meant and then just thought evaal is a fun way of saying evil. Evaal was the name of the heinous creature, out to get Suppu the Seer. 

He knew where she was. He sat an observed her. He discovered her weakness - chocolate and cheese. She would do anything for those things. He took on human form and befriended her. He gave her chocolate, he gave her cheese, hoping she would reveal that she was the seer and make a prediction, but she was very unassuming. His efforts to woo her were just not understood and Evaal huffed in frustration. He felt like the wolf from that piglet story, huffing and puffing all over the place. 

He then decided that he would just have kidnap her. Force her into telling him a prediction. That he did. He took her to a faraway land with flying machines called Devanhalli - which pronounced correctly meant demon's village in the local tongue. He then revealed his true form and told her who he was. "You are Evaal" she exclaimed, but refused to believe she was a seer. He had never faced this issue in his life! Usually he had to convince his victims to use their powers, not to convince them that they had powers. He cursed the faerie who had hidden her. She had done an excellent job, now look at the situation he was in! He huffed again and then caught himself. "Suppu, you are a seer. Now close your eyes and tell me what you see!" he yelled. "I'm doing deep thinking, I cannot see anything!" She exclaimed, not understanding what this idiot demon wanted! He tried for three days, she tried for three days, they were both red in the face. He then got irritated and let her go. Clearly, she was not the seer.

She went to her friends house, after she had recovered. She told her about the whole ordeal, and they both laughed, because no way could Suppu be a seer. Suppu picked up the necklace lying on the bed. She looked at the glass and the slowly placed it on her nose, her body doing something so instinctually, she didn't know what was happening. She gasped. She was indeed, Suppu the Seer. She only needed the necklace. She looked at her friend, "Pizza is here" she said, and exactly three seconds later, the doorbell rang.

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